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Home / STORIES / You Can Tour With Us - EP 04 "Repeat Reset"
You Can Tour With Us - EP 04 "Repeat Reset"

You Can Tour With Us - EP 04 "Repeat Reset"

All skiers on deck, this finale of the 18/19 season for Daymaker Touring pulls in our largest fleet of skiers in the place we call home. Reset Repeat is filmed mostly in Little Cottonwood Canyon and Logan Utah featuring the usuals of Giray Dadali, Max Meza, and filmer Alex Mager even dropping a big ol double B in there. Daymakers was graced with rider Mitchell Brower sprinkling his clean style and renowned backcountry follow cam shots, as well as J.M. Fabrizi the style master. Other skiers include Berkley Stone, Calvin Hawley, Ahmet Dadali, and an out of this world segment from the space man himself, Sully Tesch. We call this one Reset Repeat for the Sun-Snow cycles that repetitively struck Utah this winter allowing for perfect filming conditions after storms with the patented "Alta Magic" light conditions in the storm.



Principal Filming and Editing by:

Alex Mager Giray Dadali Additional Filming By: Blake Brekken Brady Perron Greg Bejian Cam Willis Calvin Hawley Noah Heaton AJ Dakoulas Blake Wilson Pat Moore

Music By: Pan Ron "I want to be your lover"

Hassan Mackey & Apollo Brown "Dollar Bill Hill"

Pan Rob "Kom Veacha Tha Sneha Knom


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